Deferences between Condition Monitoring Methods

Below are the most common CbM techniques applied in marine industry indicating also the detectable faults for each one.

CbM Method

Range of application

Detectable faults

Vibration Analysis

All rotating equipment

(e.g. electric motors

pumps , fans, Gear Boxes, compressors


  • Misalignment
  • Imbalance
  • Bearing Wear/ Defects
  • Gears Wear / Defects
  • Mechanical Clearances
  • Belt Transmission defects
  • Warped shafts
  • Cavitation
  • Lubrication defects
  • El. Motor defects
  • Identify resonance in static structures

Oil Analysis

Oil Lubricated assemblies

(e.g gear boxes, Compressors, turbines, transformers, hydraulic systems)

  • Can detect degree of severity and condition of lubricated oil problems

IR thermography

Stationary equipment

(e.g.Electrical panels and Circuit breakers, Exh gas piping & steam piping etc)

  • Can detect hot gas/ steam leaks
  • Improper insulation of high temperature piping.
  • Poor electrical connections or overloaded circuits.
  • Increased friction to rotating machinery
  • Steam traps or steam valves malfunctions.