Marine Diagnostics

To support Marine Industry towards more efficient, cost effective, Digital age Maintenance Strategies, to maximize ships reliability , reduce energy requirements and maintenance costs

Marine Diagnostics is a newly founded company which is offering Condition Based/Predictive Maintenance Solutions and Services mainly to the Μaritime Ιndustry using state of the art equipment and software. Our team is comprised of Mechanical and Marine Engineers with extensive experience of the Marine industry's'  distinctive features and requirements, as well as field experience of Condition Based/Predictive Maintenance (PdM) methods and techniques.

Our vision is to facilitate the transition from the outdated, excessively costly, unreliable and questionable maintenance strategies towards more energy efficient, real cost effective and modern maintenance strategies by employing Digital Technology Age strategies and Equipment, thus maximizing ships reliability, boost safety, reduce energy footprint, improve seafarers working environment and efficiency and last but not least heighten marine management companies financial stability and profits.

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Vibration Analysis Predictive Maintenance Services

Simple and cost effective predictive maintenance based on Vibration Analysis Measurements

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Condition Assesment Services

Simple inspection and collection of Vibration Analysis Measurements for assessment of machinery condition.

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Lubricating Oil or Hydraulic Oil Continuous Monitoring (In cooperation with DEKA SA)

Simple solution for monitoring condition of Lubricating oil

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Cranes Real Time Safe Operation Monitoring (In Cooperation with DEKA SA)

Various solutions for Monitoring cranes operational condition

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Tailshaft Continous Torque Measurement Solutions (In cooperation with DEKA SA)

Tailshaft Torque Measurement for the evalution of engine or hull condition

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D/G Turbocharger Rotors portable balancing machines

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Laser Belt –Pulley alignment system

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Laser Shaft Alignment system

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Marine Diagnostics is working in Cooperation with DEKA SA to procure and supply Reliable Equipment and sensors for the Condition Monitoring solutions offered

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